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联邦政府和一些私人机构将贷款给学生上大学. This money must be paid back with interest.

Federal loans typically have better interest rates and terms, so we encourage you to investigate your federal borrowing options first.

与几乎所有的经济援助一样,贷款申请流程的第一步是完成一份 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Loans

Federal Direct Student Loans are available to all eligible students. 学生必须修满6个合格学分才能获得直接资助, Direct Unsubsidized or Direct PLUS loans.

Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

Direct Subsidized Loans

To receive Direct Subsidized Loans, student must demonstrate financial need. Subsidized Loans are interest free while the student is in school, 但在学生停止入学六个月后开始累积利息,至少6学分(半学期).

Direct Unsubsidized Loans

Direct Unsubsidized Loans do not require financial need. 这些贷款在学生上学期间不是无息的,并且在支付后开始产生利息.

Learn more about Federal Direct Loans.

Direct PLUS Loans for Parents

Parents of dependent students may apply for Direct PLUS Loans. 这些贷款是可用的,无论经济需要和资格的金额取决于出席的总费用.

Learn more about Direct PLUS Loans.

Accepting a Federal Student Loan

如果你有资格获得联邦直接贷款,奖励函将列出你的最高额度 federal loan amount

Evaluate your aid offer carefully. 在贷款的情况下,请记住,无论你借多少钱,都必须连本带利偿还. You may not need to borrow as much as the amount listed on your award offer.

如果你决定向AACC申请联邦直接贷款来支付你的课程或其他相关费用, 您必须通过登录MyAACC并选择以下选项访问AACC联邦直接贷款申请表 Menu > Self Services > Financial Aid.

You must complete and sign the request form and email it to for review. 额外的电子邮件将发送到您的MyAACC电子邮件帐户,根据您的要求提供更多说明和更新.

First-Time Borrowers

如果这是你第一次申请联邦贷款,你必须完成入学面试 online or by making an appointment with a financial aid advisor.

First-time borrowers also are required to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) once their loan is processed. You will receive an email when your MPN is available. 您将需要您的驾驶执照和三个推荐人的联系信息(这些不是委托人).



You will receive additional information regarding subsequent loan borrowing, legal and privacy notices, and other required disclosures once your loan has been certified. 这些信息将由您的联邦贷款服务机构根据美国联邦贷款管理局的要求发送.S. Department of Education.

Additional Loan Information

Loan Cancellations


  • If you want to cancel your loan disbursement in advance at AACC, 从您的MyAACC帐户写信或发电子邮件给我们,要求取消即将到来的付款. 它必须包括您的姓名,学生证和要求取消贷款支付的声明.
  • If your loan has been disbursed, 您将收到一封电子邮件到您的MyAACC帐户,通知您“取消贷款的权利”. 您必须在收到电子邮件后的14天内,从您的MyAACC帐户写信或发电子邮件要求取消您的贷款. You must include your name, student ID number and a statement requesting the cancellation of your loan.

Responsible Borrowing

考虑学生贷款对你未来的影响是很重要的. Borrow only what you need to assist with your educational costs. 观看这段视频,了解作为借款人的责任,以及在申请大学贷款时应该考虑什么.

Before borrowing a student loan, visit the Federal Student Aid website. It provides great financial aid information, 包括还款计划和估计你每个月可能要付多少钱. If you  decide to take out a loan for your educational expenses, 一定要了解贷款的条款和条件,以及你有哪些还款选择.


  • A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest.
  • 利息是向借款人收取的使用借来的钱的贷款费用.

You can use the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) 网站,找出谁是您的服务,并保持更新您的贷款历史和状态.

Learn more about repaying your loans, grace periods, late charges, loan default and your responsibilities as a borrower.

AACC works closely with Student Connections to provide student loan default prevention options to our students. 学生联系将帮助你选择还款或解决拖欠贷款. Your can talk to a borrower advocate for free at 866-311-9450. 

Borrowers Agreement

All students who accept federal loans must agree to the following:

  • 申请联邦直接贷款的学生每学期至少修满6个学分. Courses taken as “audit” do not count toward enrollment. 如果学生注册少于6学分,贷款将被取消该学期.
  • 贷款资金将在至少6个学分的课程开始日期和退学截止日期过后,并在至少6个学分的课程中确认出勤后才会发放.
  • If the student withdraws from classes after aid is disbursed, the student may have to repay all or a portion of disbursed aid to AACC.
  • If the student is due a refund check, 将在学院支付资金后5到10个工作日寄出.
  • Award notifications list the annual maximum amount for loans. AACC将认证学生是否有资格获得有补贴和无补贴的联邦直接贷款,并可能不得不根据年度限额减少学生的申请金额, excessive prior student loan debt or other eligibility.
  • 如果学生被超额奖励,AACC可能需要减少或取消贷款.
  • 如果学生的贷款只有一个学期,可以分两次平均发放.
  • Once the student’s loan is processed, 学生必须填写主本票(MPN)之前,任何贷款资金将支付. 学生将收到一封电子邮件通知,要求学生在线完成MPN. If the student fails to complete the MPN, 贷款将被取消,学生将自行承担AACC的所有费用.

Private Loans


私人学生贷款不是联邦学生贷款计划的一部分,可能需要信用检查. You may borrow private loans from any lender you choose. Some private loans are open only to students taking credit classes, but others will consider continuing education (noncredit) students as well.

Borrowing costs vary between programs and institutions. 你需要调查费用并选择适合你的项目.

Learn more about the differences between federal and private student loans.

Questions to consider before applying for a private student loan:

  • Are there fees associated with this loan?
  • What is the interest rate?
  • What repayment terms and benefits does this lender offer?
  • Will I need a co-signer?
  • How much should I borrow?
  • Will I be required to make payments while enrolled?
  • What is my current outstanding balance not covered by financial aid?
  • What are the enrollment requirements for this loan?

Additional Resources 提供贷款分析,帮助学生比较借款成本从广泛的私人贷款公司的名单.


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It Starts with the FAFSA

助学金,贷款,奖学金和勤工俭学-财政援助开始与FAFSA. Complete yours today (AACC Code: 002058)!

Go to FAFSA >>

Learn about applying for financial aid and scholarships.